Monday, May 21, 2007

When going back to work feels like a vacation. . .

It's sad when I breathe a little sigh of relief as I walk into the silent (and windowless) office space I call my job. I never thought I'd be so happy to be sitting here. Alone. No one to talk to. It's bliss, I tell you! Bliss!

A brief rundown of the week that was:

Wednesday: I ended up having to work later than I normally do, so I rushed around like a mad woman trying to get everything done before dance class. Sucked.

Thursday: Instead of going to the funeral, I took my friends' kids so they could go to the funeral (they are our pastor & wife) and be available for the family. Which turned out to be a lot of fun. We went to the park and they entertained my own kids for hours on end.

Friday: The field trip was awesome. I never realized there was so much cool stuff in these little Podunk towns. However, this day deserves its own entry, so that'll come tomorrow. Dress rehearsal went fine as did singing in the park.

Saturday: CB got the floor on the back porch! We now have two doors to the outside world that are again fully functional! Except now he has to redo the steps because there was too big of a jump. Which made for a very crabby CB. This is a theme that continued for the rest of the weekend. The recital was AWESOME! Talk about a feeling of accomplishment. This one also is deserving of its own entry. (Wow! Fodder for multiple posts! How will I EVER survive?)

Sunday: The baby shower was super fun. Good food and fun conversations. I do enjoy the cheesy shower games, but there is something to be said for just eating, opening presents and socializing.

So there you have it. I'm glad that this week has considerably less on the agenda. I don't think I'd be able to take two weeks like that in a row!


Jennifer McKenzie said...

NO KIDDING!!! The busy week gave you fodder, but take a breather!!!
I don't think it's sad at all. My best friend asked me if I could go anywhere for a weekend where would I go. A spa? A concert?
A monastery.

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have been reading yours and I really like it. I will put you in my blogroll really soon. :D

Anonymous said...

sometimes work is that way for me too. Time to just sit and do what I'm good at, instead of scrambling like crazy to get all this other stuff done.